Hunting Stand Management

Your guides know that stand placement and management is key to the success of the hunt.  We travel to Quebec several times per year searching for new stand locations within the best bear habitat.

Our hunting area extends for many miles allowing us unlimited opportunities.  Most of our stands accommodate two hunters with a shot range of 15 to 60 yards.

We use numerous trail cameras to determine the number and size of the bears on each site, as well as when they are most active.  This way the time spent in your stand is during the best times to harvest a mature bear. This practice lends to our high success rate.

Although our stands produce multiple bears every year, we don’t rely on the same stands year after year.  This philosophy allows our hunters an opportunity at multiple mature bears.  We will do whatever it takes;  from clearing woods to building roads to get you to where you need to be for that trophy bear.  Our goal is to have three active stands available for every hunter, increasing your odds of success.